Group Preet Aikya – Spreading Smiles, Elder First – Comfort, Compassion & Community
Way forward to elder First

Way forward for Elder First (Group Preet Aikya).

Posted on Aug 20, 2023 by Deepak Bhandari

The adoption of multiple small, 25-plus room properties for senior living in India offers numerous advantages for both our company and the elderly residents. Some key points to consider are: Personalized Care: Smaller properties allow for a more intimate and personalized approach to care, focusing on individual needs and medical requirements.

Enhanced Community Building: Close-knit communities foster meaningful relationships among residents and staff, reducing feelings of isolation.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Operating multiple small properties enables quick responses to market demands and changing senior residents' needs, tailoring services accordingly.

Cost-Effective Entry and Expansion: Acquiring or building smaller properties can be financially feasible, enabling strategic expansion into different locations and markets.

Targeted Marketing: Multiple properties in various locations help target specific demographics and cater to diverse communities.

Better Staff-to-Resident Ratio: Smaller properties ensure each senior receives adequate attention and care, leading to higher satisfaction levels.

Quicker Decision-Making: Streamlined management in smaller properties allows for quicker decision-making and efficient operations.

Reduced Environmental Impact: Operating smaller properties contributes to a smaller carbon footprint and less waste production.

Regional Adaptation: Tailoring services to the specific cultural and lifestyle preferences of different regions enhances resident satisfaction.

Competitive Advantage: Offering personalized care, community atmosphere, and tailored services differentiates the company in the senior living industry.

Potential for Niche Specialization: Smaller properties may allow for niche specialization, such as focusing on memory care or specific medical conditions prevalent in a region.

In conclusion, adopting a strategy of multiple small, 25-plus room properties for senior living in India holds great promise, prioritizing the well-being and happiness of elderly residents and benefiting the company in various ways.